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Copyright 2007. Fort House International Marketing Group. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be produced, stored, or transmitted in any way or by any means, whether it be electric, chemical, mechanical, optical, recorded or photocopied without prior permission from Fort House International Marketing Group.

Privacy Policy
Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policies

For clubofbiz.com you and all of our clients and users are very important. For this reason, it is our obligation to constantly search for better products and services to offer you through our www.clubofbiz.com portal henceforth "the portal" or "the company". That is why the information that you provide us and that is stored in our databases is subject to the strictest security measures under the following conditions.
  • In order to register as a user of the portal there will be a section especially designated for that purpose. In this section you will enter the information requested which will include but not be limited to the following: full name, address, contact telephone numbers, e-mail address, methods of payment normally utilized, user name, password, etc. www.clubofbiz.com reserves the right to require forced fields of information without which the registration request will not be processed;
  • Each register user has the right to access their data and modify the personnel information that they initially registered, likewise to cancel the registration if deemed necessary, and the procedure for doing so will be contained in the portal.
  • All information that you provide us is stored in our servers and will not be divulged to third parties, except in those cases in which the alliances signed with third parties justify it, only when their objective is to provide you with better service; The acceptance of this document implies their expressed authorization for the delivery of information.
  • Likewise, on some occasions we will invite you to answer surveys about our services, which can be answered on a voluntary basis;
  • In the company, we do not use any other method than those described above to obtain more information about you;
  • All of our methods for registering on-line are implemented using secure software. This software will encrypt all the information that you provide before it is sent to our servers;
  • To enhance your Web experience, this site uses anonymous identifiers ("cookies") to collect anonymous preference and interest visitor information.
  • Nevertheless, for certain transactions, for your security you will be asked to enter your name and password;
  • In the case that you access some service, product, or promotion offered by a third party through our portal, under preferential conditions for www.clubofBiz.com users, you authorize us from that point on to provide the information required for you to access said services, products, or promotions, and in the case of verification of purchase of any or all of them you will automatically become a client of the third party or parties, and will be subject to their own privacy policies. The above is applicable even in those cases of sites that are Co-Branded between the company and said third party or parties;
  • By using www.clubofbiz.com and completing the registration, we understand that you have read and accepted our privacy policy contained in this document. The company reserves the right to modify the privacy policy without prior notice. Therefore, we recommend that you read this document periodically.

If you have any suggestions, please write us at legal@clubofbiz.com