English Spanish Portuguese

Terms and Conditions of Use

This agreement contains the terms and conditions under which Fort House International Marketing Group, henceforth "the company", owner of the site or website www.clubofbiz.com , henceforth "the portal" offers access to its products and services over the Internet. They are applicable therefore to registered users and in general who uses the portal. Just by using the visiting the portal you fall into the user category of the same and that implies your acceptance of the terms and conditions of use of the portal that are contained in this document.
  • Each user, whether registered or not, declares to know and accept that our service mainly consists of putting buyers and sellers of products and services in contact using our Portal and for that reason, we cannot guarantee the fulfillment of the transactions that are made between them or that they promise to make, whether it be in relation to the conditions, prices, quantity or quality of the products or services involved, which are the exclusive responsibility of the persons who directly participate in said transactions.
  • All text, music, sound, photographs, videos, graphics, and in general any information contained on the portal in any media will be denominated in its entirety as "Content". Said content is the exclusive property of the Company and it is protected by local laws and international treaties of intellectual property. The access to the portal Content will be available, limited by the conditions of inscription to each user. Likewise the company reserves the right of excluding any user that, to judgment of the company doesn't fulfill the Terms and conditions or if any way could alter or harm the normal operation of the portal. All users commit to do the following:
    1. To make use of the Content subject to the customary legal standards that regulate the delivery of Content via the Internet, with full respect of the other users of the Portal and avoiding its use for prohibited purposes, whether they be by law, morality, public order or good manners;
    2. To abstain from utilizing distinct methods other than those provided by the Portal, to access its Content by yourself or by way of third parts or by means of programs;
    3. To request written authorization from the Company each time you intend to copy, save, reproduce, publish, exhibit, modify, or distribute all or part of the Content of the Portal;
    4. To utilize the Content only for private purposes and not for commercial purposes;
    5. Not to send, publish, disseminate, or transmit any content using the Portal that would be detrimental to the rights of third parties, whether it be related to their public or private lives.
    6. Not to send or register fictitious information or false data;
    7. That the information will not be disclosed to third parties or be acquired or utilized by third parties without the consent of the company.
  • The content on the portal has been gathered from external and independent sources. The Company does not guarantee the precision or voracity of those sources, nor that they are free of error, omissions or virus, therefore any decision taken based on said content by any user is the sole responsibility of the user.
  • The Company is exempt from all responsibility for the advertising banners or buttons, links or hyperlinks placed on the portal that allow access to third party websites not belonging to the Company. These banners and links have been placed on the portal for your reference and convenience. Therefore, the content and products or services offered by the banners are not guaranteed by the Company and are subject to the privacy policies and terms and conditions applied by those sites.
  • We will make our best effort to ensure that our content is available in the portal 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. For that we have the necessary professional and technical staff and the right technology. Nevertheless, under certain circumstances, whether due to maintenance needs, technical problems, network congestion, etc. that impede us from providing continuous service, it will be restored as quickly as our available means allow.
  • The products or services that our company provides on its portal will be indefinite in character and the company reserves the right to suspend or interrupt them at any time for the period of time it deems necessary and without explaining the cause.
  • Nothing in this agreement may be interpreted as creating a partnership, working relationship, representation agency, or other similar relationship, or a license contract, or authorization of the use of the contents between the company and the entity who accepts it, who will be understood as independent contractors under this agreement.
  • This agreement, its interpretation, legality, validity, execution, termination or any other aspect related to it will be interpreted in accordance with specifically to the arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Zaragoza, Spain, with the purpose of solving its conflicts with respect to the interpretation or execution of the present contract. The arbitration will be developed according to the procedure that the parts decide, according the legislation valid in the Spanish State.
  • The acceptors declare that the jurisdiction is competent and valid, and they renounce any action, that they can take against that jurisdiction.
  • The invalidity or unfeasibility of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement will not affect the validity or requirements of the rest of the Agreement. In the case that a competent court considers any disposition of this Agreement as null or void for any reason, that will not invalidate or affect the rest of the dispositions contained in this Agreement.
  • None of the rights, interests, or resulting obligations of this Agreement can be ceded, given as security, transferred or in any way compromised without the prior written consent of the Company.
  • Only for the use of www.clubofbiz.com and completing the registration form, we understand that you have read and accepted its Terms and Conditions of Use contained in this document, in respect to which the company reserves the right to modify without previous warning. We, for the above-mentioned, recommend their periodic reading.

All of the notifications that must be made in virtue of this agreement must be made in writing. In our case all notifications received at legal@clubofbiz.com will be considered valid.