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Provides technology for businesses that need to be integrated to the home and foreign markets;

- Increase the efficiency of the processes of procurement and sourcing;
- Remove territorial barriers;
- Integrate trade actions with suppliers and buyers;
- Gain visibility;
- Manage relationships;
- Control stages of the negotiation cycle;
- Increase profits and much more.

STRATEGY - Nowadays businesses now they must be integrated to the markets. Finding ways to get connected to buyers and suppliers is a constant search for companies of all sizes, besides this connectivity reduces the sourcing time and the cost of procurement process. Through its marketplace, the Club of Biz congregates all the necessary characteristics for companies to increase their business.

VISIBILITY - Being connected to a system that guarantees visibility and certitude that buyers and suppliers are going to adopt the proposed form of BtoB is essential for the approval of the procurement professionals. All the integration of the service and products mix of the Club of Biz influences and qualifies users to the BtoB process. Being connected to a strategy that allows being present and seen by companies in all the world, in the most distant corners of the planet even if there is a structure change of trade is a key factor for the success of a company. Therefore, among other things the Club of Biz guarantees total integration of the trade to your market.

SOURCING - To navigate peacefully through the process of products search, define with accuracy the suppliers for each target market and make multiple contacts are some of the experiences that the Club of Biz provides to its users..

MANAGER OF SUPPLIER CATEGORY -Keeping a database of supplier may become a tiresome and endless task due to the huge number of products and suppliers. The Club of Biz allows you to keep a steady database, manage relationships and facilitate the product search process, all of this thanks to the formatting of the products categories.

PROCUREMENT - Procurement professionals know that keeping up to date may have a high cost, the need to find tools that help in this process too. The Club of Biz brings forth a unique style, the BtoB solution amazes due to its operational model, uniting efficiency and agility in the managing process of the negotiation stages.

MANAGEMENT - Management of the negotiation process may times take a lot of time and money. Thus, The Club of Biz developed through its BtoB platform an efficient process of management negotiation, building the best practices of BtoB and facilitating the data transmission. This format has generated great satisfaction to users, due to its simple visualization system of the whole negotiation cycle, like: estimate request, business proposal forwarding, counter proposal forwarding, etc.

SOLUTION - Finding way of negotiation that can be adopted by users in the BtoB process was only possible thanks to the Club of Biz experience. The proposed model is in agreement with market practices, therefore the Club of Biz acts like a real facilitator of the negotiation process.

ELETRONIC DOCUMENT ( E-DOCUMENT ) - Discussions about contracts and clauses may slow down the negotiation process. With the management negotiation model from Club of Biz it is possible to those participating in the negotiation process to define items and clauses in a quicken and safer way, because the own management system generates documents that lead to the agreement terms that will integrate the contracts. That avoids making and remaking documents.

How to buy and to sell through BtoB?

Click here.

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