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Clients fidelity is fundamental for companies that intend to have a sustained growth and avoid wasting resources in marketing and publicity investments. The fidelity management process implements the process to promote clients fidelity and along with the Marketing Research defines the consumptions value of each client within the many stages of the process of fidelity. See more...

STRATEGY -Acquire clients fidelity implementing programs that regard the clients many positions within the process. The programs measure the consumption value of each client, manages and keeps each client's level of a fidelity, as well as guides to other levels, accomplishing the fidelity process.

TECHNOLOGY - Specially developed software for each fidelity program or through consultancy service.

MANAGEMENT -The fidelity programs manage and define strategies to keep and increase the consumption levels of each client, the stage transition processes are clearly and well defined thanks to the integration with the Market Research.

MARKET RESEARCH -Besides the information used to define the consumption value of each client uses the Club of Biz know how to define the level the clients is in the fidelity process, also defines the consumption values for each fidelity level.

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