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In nowadays world the competitor profusion, the diversification of the many market techniques and strategies, the dispersion of the communication channels, all have made it hard for companies performance all around the world. Keeping constant analysis of competitors and markets, outlining the benchmarking, making sales forecasts among other tasks, has become a tiresome and time consuming process. Managing market analysis in a world that demands continual changes has become an almost impossible duty, besides the fact that the amount charged by many consultants has made this work almost inaccessible to many companies.

With the BN 3 software, companies are getting rid of these problems, putting into practice in a simple and affordable way the following tasks:

* Marketing Planning -.

* Strategic Positioning -This task evaluates the strategic positioning of the company and its competitors, defining a scale of strategic positioning of all the companies in the market. It is essential to evaluate how close or answering to clients expectations the company is; analyze their satisfaction level and evaluate factors that may contribute to developing the business image.

* Company Performance - ( Company and competitors ) - participation in the target-market , analysis of the composition of the product line - its amplitude and depth - , analysis of a business performance - competitive strength of each competitor and the measures the company can adopt concerning its competitors to increase its market share.

* Promotion - planning, control and evaluation of marketing tolls. In advertising it is possible to calculate the frequencies, impacts and repetitions of each tool, as well as make a frequency distribution.

* Earnings Projections - The system will automatically make a company's earning projections. In case there are deviations in this projection an analysis will be made of the market variables that are in conflict with the actions of the company.

STRATEGY - Applied through marketing consulting software. This tool allows the user to make market analysis, define target public, define business performance and also competitors performance, define and measure marketing actions, forecast sales volume, measure sales volume reached. And one of the most important factors, the system has it own intelligence to define the variables that affected the marketing environment and caused variations in the company's sales.

TECHNOLOGY - Marketing software of easy application that operates like a consultant, making market analysis and defining variables that affect the market environment of a company.

MANAGEMENT -The consultancies carried through are classified in a way that makes it easy for the users to file these tasks. It is also possible to manage the sales analysis and the factors that affected this process.

ANALYSIS -Allows make analysis of the factors vital to the business good performance, like: Define target public; Define company and competitor performance; Define strategic positioning of the company and competitors, Define and measure the marketing actions; Forecast sales volume, Measure the sales volume reached. And one of the most important factors, the system has its own intelligence to define the variables that affected the marketing environment, causing decline in earnings.

BENCHMARKING - The benchmarking process adopted by the software is in agreement with market standards and allows the user to reduce costs and define this process with accuracy.

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